Hi Gurus,
I have a datacheckbox group element and below that a chart . I want to link these 2 items. I want to filter the item in datacheckbox group with the chart .I cant see the filter option in the datacheckbox group .But if you place list instead of chart i can see the filter option . Also i tried with the other elements like (dataradiobutton group,data togglebutton bar) and same with this elements , i cant see the filter option when i place the charts. I want to use check box to filter my chart.
Please help.
I want to apologize up front for being pretty vague on this :)
Page 20
http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/cognos/reporting/active_report/page593.html (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/cognos/reporting/active_report/page593.html)
I am pasting the pink to IBM's public Cookbook for Active Report instead of repasting code because if you are working with Active Reports this Cookbook is a MUST have.
Thanks MMcBride for the reply.
I came to know that multi select in chart is not possible.