Hi All,
Hi All,
I have one drop down and one data drop down boxes in active report.
In drop down box i have added region,district,territory as 3 values.
In data dropdown i ahve region id 's ,district id's,territory id's.
When i select region in my drop down , region id 's n data dropdown should be populated and same with district and territory.
In normal report studio we can create this using parameters. Please let me know how can we achieve this in active reports.
Thanks in advance
This can get rather complicated so I am going to briefly outline it
What I believe you're talking about here is a Cascading prompt.
you can accomplish this by laying your Drop Down list boxes and filtering them off of the parent Drop Down.
You can also set the parameters of the drop Downs to be disabled so when you open the Active Report you see a single Drop down - Region
Once you select a region the District Prompt is enabled and a list that is filtered from the Region Drop down populates the data values.
Once you select a District the Territories Drop down is enabled and is filtered by the District prompt
Once you have selected a territory the parameters for Region, District and Territories are now complete and you can use these to filter any Data Decks or what ever you are building.
If anyone knows a link to the samples from IOD they demo'd this exact thing in one of the classes.
I am sure there are things I am missing - just remember this isn't the details it is just to give you a rough idea on how to accomplish it.
Also I believe this will only work with 10.1.1 there are additional properties fond in this version that enable this.
Thanks MMcBride for the reply.
I will try this method and shall let you know if its working.