hey everyone
i'm new in data manager .can someone help me how to deal with the daily incremental data extract in data manager 8.4,except the merge method. the source table have the time column field,in manual code ,i can use the select * from table where time>last_time to extract .but in data manager i can't find any setting about it .
any ideas to help me ?
Do you want existing records to be updated? In the "table delivery properties" you should be able to mark the key "elements" (columns), and the rest of the columns as update. That should allow the table to update when you run the incremental.
If that doesn't do it then please post a screenshot of your table delivery properties, and give some more information on the issue.
If you have figured it out, then please share for others.
firstly thank you Rob
maybe i havn't speak clearly.my problem is the extracting of daily data generated by the oltp system into the data warehouse. the data manager recommends to use merge method to deal this problem(see :Workshop IBM Cognos Data Manager: Complex Incremental Fact Load).but in a large fact table,it's a disaster.
for some update in a table ,i use the delete a period of time data in the fact table ,then in the query statment, add a condition ,after last extracted time(or sysdate minus a period of time) and before sysdate .the last extracted time stored in the a table ,every extract updates the time.
if you have a better solution,please post it .
Since the data coming into your fact build is driven from a SQL query (or multiple queries), can't you just code the query (queries) to retrieve data with a time value greater than the last date/time the build was run? You could get hold of the last run date/time in a variable, and use this in your SQL - just make sure you include it in braces {} when you refer to it in the query.
Or am I taking too simple a view on this? Can you be a little more specific about what you want to do?