How can I stop cognos services on one server running the web part and start then again after the a task is complete. I was looking at the AT command but is there a better way ?
Why would you do this? What purpose?
Stopping the services kicks anyone out of the cube so the cube can be copy over from processing to live where the cube is published from
There's something posted on Cognos Support about this if I remember correctly. If i'm correct they've a little script for this...
Here's the file you probably need:
thank you
I will forward this to our support dept. I remember seeing something like this somewhere just wasnt sure where. I got it to work using schtasks comand. at the end of the batch file that runs transformer to build the modlel there is a line that calls a sch task on the web server that stops the services and copy the cube and starts the services again then exec a macro that runs reports and put them out there. I am alway looking for a better way. this is working for now. and I will have support fallow up on this.
thanks again