I have 2 reports each with 1 promptpage and several pages.
The 2 reports have plus-minus the same variables, but other prompts;
Is it possible to put those 2 reports in one new report,and using a new promptpage that ask user with report he loke?
So superpromptpage = A give me report A,when superpromptpage =B than report B
It seems to me that the new report ask always the prompts of the report i'am not asking for.
Each report page in itself is a report. By using render variables you can render any (set of) report (pages). You can render a 2nd promptpage based on a selection on the first. The trick is to make sure you never run into unresolved parameters, which can be attained by carefully defining whether a prompt is optional or not.
So, the answer would be yes, especially if the reports themselves are driven by the same set of data prompts
No, the reports themselves are not driven by the same set of data prompts. For instance report 1 ask for an age via promptpage 1, report 2 for an illness via promptpage 2.
The 2 promptpages are via a superpromptpage rendered or not.
But I should think that report 1 (via promptpage 1) that is hidden by a superprompt the querys related to report 1 are not excecuted and vice versa when report 2 (via promptpage 2) is hidden the querys of report 2 are not excecuted.?
If a report page is not rendered , then associated queries (to the page) or for objects on the page are NOT executed, so that should work!
But I assume that all prompts must be optional.
If not and I hide pageprompt 1 with there in required prompts what happens? The report ask for the prompts?