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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: LOUM on 03 Nov 2011 09:31:20 AM

Title: Pre-Qualifying Vendor Group
Post by: LOUM on 03 Nov 2011 09:31:20 AM
Good Day Everyone,

I have 2 queries I have joined.

1. Vendor File
2. Payment Records

On my prompt page I want to filter the vendors to only include the vendors in the Vendor file as the payment file has more vendors in it than the vendor file. (Purchasing type in Vnedor and All vendors in payment)

How do I prefilter my vendors on the page? I need it to be flexible so that i can select one or multiple vendors.

Title: Re: Pre-Qualifying Vendor Group
Post by: blom0344 on 03 Nov 2011 10:47:55 AM
I mat be missing the point, but why not define a seperate prompt query against which ever table (you need /want)  and feed the associated parameter value to the data query?
Title: Re: Pre-Qualifying Vendor Group
Post by: LOUM on 03 Nov 2011 12:20:38 PM
Blom thank you got it.