Hey All,
I am trying to add in a new 64bit app teir server, App only, no CM, to an esixting 32bit distributed environment.
I installed:
- All necessary DB client tools, oracle, SQL, and RDB ODBC (32 and 64 bit)
- 64bit Sun Java 6 update 12
- Then 64bit Cognos 10.1 + FP1
- setup config settings
When I try and start the services, I get an error that it cannot find JDBC drivers?
To see which JVM options are based on this setting, view ibmcognos_location/bin/bootstrap_<OS>.xml and see your JVM documentation for an explanation of those options.
[ ERROR ] No JDBC driver could be found in classpath.
CNC-SDS-0260 Unable to locate the class null in the class path.
Any ideas? We have installed the DB client tools in 32 and 64 bit versions for SQL and Oracle on here already as well. Forgot to mention that. Am I missing something? Do we need a 32bit JDBC driver manually installed to work with teh 64bit Sun Java?
Just in case somebody else stumbles on this question, the problem most likely is that there's no oracle jdbc driver for noticecase (event manager) to use.
You must copy ojdbc14.jar into c10(8)\webapps\p2pd\webinf\lib directory.
To answer the OP question...
This will work, but you HAVE TO use a 32 bit Oracle client. You also have to copy the oracle jar file to the driver directory(as mentioned by ykud) if you are using an oracle content store.
can you please answer my questions.
1. Based on what we decide to install cognos 32 bit or 64 bit ?
if i install 32 bit cognos on 2008 and oracle 11g 64bit windows will there be a problem?
thank you in advance
Not as long as you use the 32 bit Oracle client libraries.
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thank you MF
so you mean we have install oracle 11g 32 bit on database and client versions.
I believe the 32 bit client libraries will work with the 64 bit database (but I am a muppet, remember, and certainly not an Oracle expert!) :)
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