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Planning & Consolidation => TM1 => Topic started by: Vijay2345 on 25 Oct 2011 08:47:51 AM

Title: feeding all elements from a single source.
Post by: Vijay2345 on 25 Oct 2011 08:47:51 AM
Hi Guys,

I have a Sales cube having the following dimensions
1.Sales Facility
4.Market Segment
5.Product line
7.Item Sales Group
9.Sales Measures

I am allowing the user to enter values on certain intersection , and then I am using these values to calculate the entire cube.

['No Cust Class','No Product Line','None Market','No Item Sales Group','Budgeted','Amount']=STET;   

The user enters a total amount at the above specified cells and this value is used across all the elements.

['Budgeted','Amount']=N:['No Cust Class','No Product Line','None Market','No Item Sales Group','Budgeted','Amount'];

My problem is writing feeders for the above rule

['No Cust Class','No Product Line','None Market','No Item Sales Group','Budgeted','Amount']=>
DB('Sales Budgeting',!Sales Facility,!Year,!Months,!Market Segment,!Product Line,!Market,!Item Sales Group,!'Budgeted','Amount');

Is this the right way to deal with the above rules in writing feeders, Request some one to please help me on this.
Title: Re: feeding all elements from a single source.
Post by: MichelZ on 30 Oct 2011 04:06:36 PM
Hi Vijay,

What do you mean by "then I am using these values to calculate the entire cube."?
What your rule is doing is copying a single leaf cell value to potientally millions of other leaf cells. Why would you wanna do this?

The feeder you wrote will only feed the source area itself, so is of no use. Please note that Skipcheck&Feeders only make sense in sparse cubes - they way you want to populate the budgeted amount in the cube will result in an extremely dense cube...

But again, you really need to rethink what you're trying to establish.
