Please forgive us we are new to Cognos 8 and are learning all the time.
We have a expenditure report that is based on a transformer cube, this has 2 main categories, one being departments and the other being the type of expenditure (nominal).
We have created a report studio crosstab report with our measures as columns ie, actual value, commited value , totals etc, and on the left is our categories of expenditure which is a member.
To control the values being shown ie, for a specific dept we are using page layers.
Our problem comes when drilling through to another report studio report (relational data source) that shows the detail. We cannot pass the department that is being displayed on screen as a value across to the drill through report. We have tried a number of things and we are not getting anywhere!!!
Please can someone help us, or try and point us in the right direction.
Frustrated cognos 8 users
iks it a DMR or a cube? your post header and body are differing ;)
Does the target report show up as blank or it has the cognos generated prompt for the department? Have you tried seeing, by way of a paramvaluedisplay on target report, what the source is passing for department?
Category code uniqueness issues, leading to Transformer appending a ~ to a category, is a big suspect in these drill through issues
Thanks for your reply, its a cube. We haven't tried the paramvaluedisplay, we will have a look at that next. When we try to drill through we get prompted as you mentioned for a cognos generated prompt asking for department. If we specify a value in the box and we have drilled through from the lowest level we get the correct data coming through.
How do we get rid of the prompt box, and how can we make sure it is passing the parameter.
I'm convinced that its something really simple that we are missing.
I guess what is happening is that durig the drill through the department parameter is not being passed
you can confirm this by making the dept filter in the target as optional, adding a paramdisplayvalue layout calc on the header of the target, saving the target and then doing the drill through.
The paramvalue for dept will end up being null i think
if that is the case, you will have to start by first making sure you're passing the correct values via the drill through definition. For the dept param, try passing the data item value of the dept column in the drill through definition.
so badically, first you have to succeed in passing something along first. Once you do that and the value is being passed incorrectly( but at least something is getting passed along), you can further troubleshoot