We are migrating Cognos Planning from 8.3 - 8.4.1.
I have few queries about it...
1. Previous Analyst Shared drive is " \\A\Cognosplanning. After upgrade, it is \\B\CognosPlanning
2. Previous Content Store is "C" and Now it is "D"
3. Previous Planning Store is "X" and Now it is "Y"
In Analyst do i need to make any changes to point to \\B\Cognosplanning? any object references related to Old environment will present in new environment.
Can i restore the Old content Store called C with D? If so do i need correct object references related of old ones in new environment.
Similarly for Planning store?
Please give your valuable suggestions and ideas.
You should install a new clean environment for 8.4.1 (actually you should go directly to 10.1!)
Create New CM
Create New Planning Store
Set Analyst Network Installation to new location
Content Store Content - Look for the BI Lifecycle/Migration tools or do an export from 8.3 and an Import to new version. Again BI forum may get you more specific advice
For Planning Content use deployments. Export from 8.3 (with data if you need the data in apps) and import to the new version. This can also move Analyst libraries as well (or you can do that manually if you prefer). It will upgrade all apps, links and macros in the process, but you will need to recreate your publish containers.