Hi All,
I deployed package and folder containing 3 reports from cognos 8.4 enviroment to cognos express 9.5 environment.
First I exported package , a folder ,datasource ,report o/p versions which suceeded.
the data is coming from excel sheets.
I copied the zip file from deployment folder to c exp deployment folder to import the same.
I copied the same excel sheets from source env to targt env and created an odbc source for each excel sheets.
On running the rep It gives error as follows.
RQP-DEF-0177 An error occured while performing operation 'sqlPrepareWithOptions=' -126
UDA-sql-0460 A general exception has occured during local processing UDA-EE-0093 the operation "cdouble" is invalid for the data type "binary"
I'm assuming that the datasource tests ok in Cognos Administration but...
- Does the package open ok in Report Studio?
- Do the reports open and validate without errors in Report Studio?
Btw, my understanding is that migration from a C8.4 content store to CX9.5 content store is not compatible. This was the case with versions available in June last year but I haven't tried it lately.