I am showing last 3 months data over weekly basis. Is there any functinality in chart where I can highlight selected week in chart?
E.g. suppose if I run weekly report from 03-Oct to 09-Oct then chart will display data from 03-Jul but selected week i.e. 03-oct to 09-Oct bar should get highlighted with different colour or border around that bar or something like that.
Please let me know if we can achieve this functionality in Cognos 8.4.1 RS chart.
Thanks in advance.
Any clue how can I achive this functionality? :-\
Charts have a Conditional Palette property. If you can come up with an expression which evaluates to True for the selected week, you can use this to drive a conditional palette for that week in the chart.
Thanks MFGF. :)
I will try solution suggested by you and will let you know about results.
I have applied conditional palette property for each chart in bar chart and it works as expected. However bar colour and legend colur does not natch with each other.
I have 4 different bars in bar chart such as Low (Yellow), Medium (Orange), High (Red) & Extreme (Purple) respectively. Each bar is getting displayed with corresponding colour code as per condition however Bar's Legend section shows different color code other than programmed.
I have searched on net and found this http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=14682271&tstart=0
Any idea how should I achieve this functionality?
Any clue how can I achive this functionality? :-\
There is no readymade solution in Cognos to achieve this functionality hence applied the solutuion provided in below link.