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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: jeffowentn on 07 Oct 2011 11:09:01 AM

Title: view publish failure - unable to get job item
Post by: jeffowentn on 07 Oct 2011 11:09:01 AM
Anyone know what the fix is for this?  We used to simply blow away the publish container and create a new one.  I was thinking IBM Cognos had said there was something else we could do that would be less drastic, but I cannot recall what that is:


Machine details: domain\jobserver

User details: domain\ServiceAcct_COG_PROD

Process ID / Thread ID: 1340 / 2680

Source: <SupplementalInfo><Source>Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server</Source><StackInfo><ErrorGuid>{3E4136A6-564F-42DA-8F14-05EF72C42D70}</ErrorGuid><StackPosition>9</StackPosition><PreviousUserDomain>domain</PreviousUserDomain><PreviousUserName>ServiceAcct_COG_PROD</PreviousUserName><PreviousComputerDomain>domain</PreviousComputerDomain><PreviousComputerName>jobserver</PreviousComputerName></StackInfo></SupplementalInfo>
Error Number: -2147217871
Line Number: 220
Description: Unable to get Job Item

The Job management step failed.  An attempt has been made to mark the 'PUBLISH' Job as CANCELLED.  Please rectify the problem and re-create a similar Job.

The call to 'JobBegin' on 'Publish_%v.Implementation' was not successful.

Unable to truncate table 'p_deptexpsap1..et_hr_report'

Unable to execute the statement.Query timeout expired, Error number -2147217871 was raised by Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

The SQL was:
TRUNCATE TABLE p_deptexpsap1..et_hr_report

Query timeout expired

Any help is greatly appreicated!
Title: Re: view publish failure - unable to get job item
Post by: jeffowentn on 07 Oct 2011 03:22:16 PM
It appears that it was related to our service account not having sufficient permissions on the publish container database.  I need to probe further, since this publish container has been used in the past with no problems.  This does not appear to be a Cognos issue.