Hi all.
I am trying to build a D-Link. For my source I have an "ODBC (SQL) Database". I'm trying to create a union query for my source table. The query is logically OK, when I click the "Fetch" button I can see the table in the "Preview of columns" window. However when I click OK and try to use it in the D-Link the following error message appears:
"Cannot retrieve distinct data from source. All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists".
Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions? Thanks.
Hey John,
Quick google search of your error reveals 2 technotes that might help you figure out the problem or come up with a workaround:
Hi Eric,
I've tried deleting spaces, and it still doesn't work. The SQL Server workaround is a possibility, but it would be annoying.
Are you able to do union statements in your D-Links? A rather typical type a query I would write is as below. Can you think why this may fail? Thanks for any help.
Select [Field1], [Field2] from [Table1]
Select [Field1], [Field2] from [Table1]