Hi Folks,
I have deployed the report from UAT to Prod environment. In prod , when ever i m trying to run the report it prompts me for the user is and password along with the data source name as P. when the user id and password is given it goes to the prompt page and report can be run.
But i do not want to use that authentication every time when the user tries to run the report.
the data source is poiting to the right server and database and we use the signon as well. We created the signon for this , but still the issue persists.
can anybody help me in removing this which is prompting for credentials.?
Is this because of the change in the signon in uAT/dev enviormnet?
Please help/guide me.
No Response to this query ??? :(
Please let me know if i've to explain more ?
It sounds to me like the user in the prod environment has no permissions to the data source connection defined on the server, so they are being prompted. You could try checking the properties of the connection (and the signon) to make sure 'everyone' her read, traverse and execute privileges.