Hi All,
We have some query subjects in FM and i have changed the query subjects properties 'Externalize Method' to IQD and have given a local path to store these IQD files while publishing the package.
But after publishing the package and when i check in the local path there are no iqd files, there are only some xml files and also there is one xml file with .IQD which contains something related to package. As per as my understanding there should be some IQD files with notepad which contains tables present in our framework manager.
Can anybody please help?
Thanks in advance.
which version of Cognos are you using? If 8.3+, I would recommend using an FM package as data source for Transformer
When you publish the package, in the very last screen there is a check box which you have to check for generating the IQD files. By default, that check box is not selected and that's what might be the problem.