Hello ppl,
I have few simple doubts in event studio,since its my first day with the tool.
can we take report studio reports as a source for event studio?
Is it possible to have a filter in event studio to compare previous weeks value.so , is it possible to have calculated data item to say that report week is 6 weeks back from the current week.
can we have joins or should i just have to use the for conditions to compare measures for the current week and previous week .or should i bring everything which needs filtering in the package itself
can i write if statements in the calculation data item?
basically what is not possible in event studio which is possible in the report studio?
can somebody please answers these questions?
Event Studio has a different purpose from Report Studio. It is designed to allow you to detect conditions occuring and then fire off one or more tasks (reports, emails, other events, stored procedures, etc etc).
Each event centres around a condition being true or false. The condition is defined as an expression, and can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be (as long as the end result is true or false), so yes - it is entirely possible to write an expression which compares a measure value from six weeks ago with a current value (depending on your package, of course).