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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: ccbarbeau on 03 Oct 2011 09:23:07 AM

Title: URGENT: Being prompted for a datasource not referenced in my report
Post by: ccbarbeau on 03 Oct 2011 09:23:07 AM

I have a report that uses a single datasource. I am prompted to choose the instance I want for that datasource when I run the report. But now, for some reason, RS 8.4 is asking me to choose an instance for a datasource that is not even referenced in my report. This is causing my report to stop working and it's driving me NUTS!!! I can't find any reference to the other datasource anywhere in my report.

Has anyone else ever seen this? Can you please help me?

Title: Re: URGENT: Being prompted for a datasource not referenced in my report
Post by: blom0344 on 04 Oct 2011 10:46:35 AM
Are you sure it is not prompting you for an unresolved parameter?
Title: Re: URGENT: Being prompted for a datasource not referenced in my report
Post by: ccbarbeau on 05 Oct 2011 10:31:13 AM
Not as far as I can tell - that was my initial reaction too. I had added a field from the connection it is prompting me for, but I've removed it since. Could it be that RS somehow does not understand that I've removed the field?


Title: Re: URGENT: Being prompted for a datasource not referenced in my report
Post by: blom0344 on 05 Oct 2011 12:20:23 PM
The report xml definition stores a reference to the package used (at the top of the xml, includes the path the package has in connection) The package should normally relate 1 to 1 with a specific datasource (which can have multiple connections) However, the model that generates the package can technically use more than 1 datasource (segment in a model for instance)

What happens when you create a simple test-report on the package?
Title: Re: URGENT: Being prompted for a datasource not referenced in my report
Post by: ccbarbeau on 05 Oct 2011 01:24:15 PM
I always use the same package, which contains about 10 datasources. All my other reports are working fine.

I'll recreate the report and make a copy before trying to add the dataitem from the other datasource - I'll then see which one stays stable the longest :)

Title: Re: URGENT: Being prompted for a datasource not referenced in my report
Post by: Arsenal on 05 Oct 2011 02:26:27 PM
you may have done this already but when u copy the report xml in notepad and try to search for this datasource name via notepad, does it bring up anything?
Title: Re: URGENT: Being prompted for a datasource not referenced in my report
Post by: MFGF on 07 Oct 2011 04:45:01 AM
Quote from: Arsenal on 05 Oct 2011 02:26:27 PM
you may have done this already but when u copy the report xml in notepad and try to search for this datasource name via notepad, does it bring up anything?
Yep - I'm with Arsenal on this.  Often, seaching the xml report spec can highlight the hidden corner the reference is lurking in.
