I have a report that uses a single datasource. I am prompted to choose the instance I want for that datasource when I run the report. But now, for some reason, RS 8.4 is asking me to choose an instance for a datasource that is not even referenced in my report. This is causing my report to stop working and it's driving me NUTS!!! I can't find any reference to the other datasource anywhere in my report.
Has anyone else ever seen this? Can you please help me?
Are you sure it is not prompting you for an unresolved parameter?
Not as far as I can tell - that was my initial reaction too. I had added a field from the connection it is prompting me for, but I've removed it since. Could it be that RS somehow does not understand that I've removed the field?
The report xml definition stores a reference to the package used (at the top of the xml, includes the path the package has in connection) The package should normally relate 1 to 1 with a specific datasource (which can have multiple connections) However, the model that generates the package can technically use more than 1 datasource (segment in a model for instance)
What happens when you create a simple test-report on the package?
I always use the same package, which contains about 10 datasources. All my other reports are working fine.
I'll recreate the report and make a copy before trying to add the dataitem from the other datasource - I'll then see which one stays stable the longest :)
you may have done this already but when u copy the report xml in notepad and try to search for this datasource name via notepad, does it bring up anything?
Quote from: Arsenal on 05 Oct 2011 02:26:27 PM
you may have done this already but when u copy the report xml in notepad and try to search for this datasource name via notepad, does it bring up anything?
Yep - I'm with Arsenal on this. Often, seaching the xml report spec can highlight the hidden corner the reference is lurking in.