We have a requirement for the use of a repository control application for use within Framework manager.
Microsoft visual Source safe(v8.0) is already installed on our Cognos Application server so we decided to try and use that.
Whilst trying to create a new connection using the connection manager within Framework manager I continue to receive the message.
BME-EX-0113 Repository is not configured or configured incorrectly.
This is detailed in the Cognos and points to the path in the config file being incorrect.
I have checked the source control path that I have added to our Cognos configuration file and this according to the Cognos documentation available, points to the correct file, I have also restarted the Cognos Services as required.
I have used the following knowledge base/support link documents to try and help assist identify the problem.
Document#: 1010870
Supportlink Online Volume 13 No. 4 Technical Review
Using Microsoft Visual SourceSafe with Cognos ReportNet .
Anyone using Sourcesafe successfully and if so any pointers as to where i could be going wrong. ???
I've been advised by Cognos support that Cognos 8 MR2 currenly only supports version 6 of Source safe and this is the reason for my prob, as version 8 has not yet been tested.
Oh well :'(
will have to wait a bit then.