I have a combination chart with month amt on bars and running total on line and my x axis shows jan, feb, mar etc. Currently I am passing 1 drill target which passes month value to a report when they click on the month bar or the point on the line and the amount for that month. When they need multi select month can do there . Now new requirement is when they click on the month it should open report for that month and when they click on the line for example May then data need to be shown up to may. Now I can make a separate drill target for this . But how to pass two different drill targets from single chart.
Thank you.
Just go back to your "Drill Through Definitions" property (where you set up the initial drill through) and use the Add button at the bottom to define a second drill through to your other report.
When you run the report, if you just click on the bar or line as normal, it will take you to a "Go To" page, allowing you to select which report to drill through to.
Alternatively, you can right-click on a bar or line, select the GoTo option from the right click menu, and select the relevant report from the Go To menu.
Hope that helps,
Thank you MFGF for your quick reply. But that wouldn't work for me. I already did that. Users want to avoid all those additional steps. They just want to click on the line (Dot) and thats it YTD data should be available.( I know some users requirements are crazy).
We are also implementing C10.1 soon, are there any new feature to over come this problem.