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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: Suraj on 28 Sep 2011 02:32:18 PM

Title: Creating a new role to mimic Authors role does not work.
Post by: Suraj on 28 Sep 2011 02:32:18 PM
This was brought up by one of the users at IBM forum.
Creating a new role to mimic Authors role does not work.
The same thing works for QS and AS and launch menu displays those studios but does not show RS even after allowing RS capability.
Anyone seeing this behavior?
Title: Re: Creating a new role to mimic Authors role does not work.
Post by: jackmaster on 29 Jun 2012 03:57:38 AM
Hello Suraj Neupane,
I have the same problem, i tried to create a new role, and added RS Capability to it, then i went to Users Interfaces Profiles, granted it access to Professional, just like role Authors. But it didn't work. It seems to be no way to create new role to mimic Authors role. Do you find out the root cause and solution for this?

Title: Re: Creating a new role to mimic Authors role does not work.
Post by: bi4u2 on 17 Jul 2012 01:00:01 PM
When you added your new group to the Report Studio capability, did you also check the box to 'delete the access permissions of all child entries' or at least make sure that the new group trickled down to the sub-capabilties like 'Create/Delete'?
Title: Re: Creating a new role to mimic Authors role does not work.
Post by: wendoze on 20 Feb 2013 10:41:57 PM
Yep, I'm experiencing this now. Even the user's profile says they have access to RS, but no...

Is this a disgusting bug??? We imported everything from c8.4 (and it works fine there).... don't remember/know if it was recreated and renamed the same there...

Anyone found a solution? My only solution right now is to give the users Report Admin access (which I don't want to do).

I even tried granting specific users access explicitly, with no joy (to the Role and the RS capability).

Without a reinstall, I haven't got a clue how to reinstate this functionality...
Title: Re: Creating a new role to mimic Authors role does not work.
Post by: Rahul Ganguli on 28 Feb 2013 12:20:54 AM

Have you specified access to Professional authoring mode?
For access in report studio you need to do this, it will be under security tab in cognos administartion below capabilities.

Title: Re: Creating a new role to mimic Authors role does not work.
Post by: MFGF on 01 Mar 2013 01:57:53 PM

The bit you are missing, most likely, is the entry in User Interface Profiles. You fill find it in the Admin Console > Security tab - the third option on the left below "Users, Groups and Roles" and "Capabilities". Simply add your new role to the Professional profile and grant Execute and Traverse privileges.
