I have published the application into oracle but i can see only sy_,cy_,it_ tables I want to see the et_ tables to integrate with BI.Please help me regarding this.
Hi Anand,
Where are you publishing, in Analyst or the Contributor Admin Console (CAC)? Can I assume that you're using the Table layout method and that you're using the default publish container that you created?
What version of Planning are you using?
Hi Eric,
I am using cognos8.1.I am publishing the data from CAC table only layout elist items i have selected all planner and in options i have selected include user annotations and audit annotations i am getting all the dlist items but et_ tables are not coming.
Are any of your D-Cubes flagged as planner only in Contributor Administration? I havent tried changing, but it may be the source of your problem?
I just tested switching a cube that I know publishes from the go_Capex sample application to Planner only and publishing, the et_ table is created as expected. I, however, did do this in 10.1 as I don't have my hands on an 8.1 environment at the moment.
Still, Anand, take a look at what Stuart suggested.
If that still doesn't work, then I'm a little confused -- the et_ table is a base function of either the view or table layout publish options. To not have an ET_ table leads me to believe that you have a configuration problem.
What is the name of the cube you are trying to publish?
Something problem in the existing data container.I have created new container with diff name and published the application which is working fine.Thanks Eric an stuart for your response.