Hi all,
I am using COGNOS 8.3
I need to display the % in different columns as explained in the attached screen shot.
Appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance.
Which part are you struggling with? I guess a simple list should suffice, with calculations to divide each month by the converted value, then formatted as percent.
Thanks MF for your quick response
In the total row 1%,2%,3% ... values not coming as i expected.
I created a simple list report only.
1% is calculated as [MONTH1]/[CONVERTED] and put % format the values are coming correctly for the detail rows.
but when it comes to last row (Total)
it is calculating as 237/238 = 99.58%
but what i need here as 237/237 = 100.00%
similarly 2% is calculating as 199/238=83.61
i need as 199/200=99.50%
(in the report what i designed always calculating % to the total converted 238, what i am looking it should vary month to month)
hope this explained well what i am looking for..
I'm not clear where your denominator values are coming from? For example, in the 1% column, where does the 237 denominator come from? In the 2% column, where does the 200 denominator come from? I don't see these anywhere in the data.
Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, but I can't see where these numbers are derived.
Hi MF,
Denominator values are the sum(converted) of those having MonthN values.
Denominator for Month1 it would be
237 = 60+20+35+56+11+18+37
Denominator for Month2 it would be
Denominator for Month2 it would be
and so on ...
hope it is clear to you now ...
Solved by creating individual CONVERTED columns for 12 months. ;)
Could not find any other solution for it.