When i generate native Sql and copy paste on pl/sql developer ,it is giving me an error. isn't it supposed to give me data?please help me.Thanks
It depends.. In more complicated cases the native SQL proposed may be a SET of query definitions. Each individual set may run , but if you simply copy / paste everything in one go the query tool may not be able to handle it. You should also be aware that the SQL generated from within the report may NOT be the actual statement executed. It is a proposition (a next best guess).
At last the where clause may contain expressions that a native querytool will not recognize..
Thanks,but why then everybody makes it sound so simple saying "copy and paste" the report sql to your database.It certainly not seems that easy or may be i am trying the wrong way.
Who's everybody? ;) Your copy and paste action itself proves that you need to be a bit creative here..
Sorry for being bit boring mate! I was just trying to put my point across.