I have the report o/p as
corp id Name Hiredate Basic Bonus Compschem effective date status
b66678 rajesh 16-may-05 10 10 00 16-may-05 active
b66678 rajesh 16-may-05 1000 10 01 1-jul-06 active
b66678 rajesh 16-may-05 1000 10 01 1-jan-07 active
b66678 rajesh 16-may-05 1000 10 001 1-jan-08 active
b66678 rajesh 16-may-05 1000 15 001 1-jul-08 active
b66678 rajesh 16-may-05 1000 15 002 1-jul-09 active
b66678 rajesh 16-may-05 1000 35 002 1-aug-09 active
the effective date is calculated on the start dates of the basic , bonus and com scheme, which ever is maximum that is taken and calculated.
Now the prob is need to eliminate 3rd and 4th record as there is no change in the basic, comp scheme and bonus. The report needs to capture the records only when there is a change in any of these basic, bonus and comp schem columns, and all these three columns are coming from 3 different tables. and effective date is a calculated column.
can anybody please let me know if there is any way to compare and eliminate these records.?
Any suggestions or solutions, please let me know. Its is urgent and in priorioty.
BI-tools like Cognos operate with data-sets, not individual rows. Your logic demands that you both line up data in a specific way and make comparisons BETWEEN individual records. Basically this is the domain of stored procedures that allow to read row by row through a dataset keeping /eliminating rows based on procedural logic.
I would process the data prior to presenting it within Cognos
Thank you very much for the response.
Stored Procedure needs to be written at the back end, and we can take the procedure and import in the Framework ? Or you are suggesting me to write a stored procedure in an SQL object and point to a query in Report Studio.
Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.
Thanks In Adance.
I would process the data prior to presenting it within Cognos