Hello Gurus,
I am facing problem when passing values in lastPeriods(). I want to get the set of months that ends with the Report month choosen by the users. So, I created a data item with expression lastPeriods(7,[ReportMonth]) , which is working fine in my report.
Now I am trying to pass the value instead of hard coding value '7'. So, created a data item which is returning the month number, like for June 2011 the month number will be 6. And I used the expression as lastPeriods([Month NBR),[ReportMonth]). But it is not working. I want to pass the value because this is not constant and dependent on the report month.
I don't know where am I wrong.
Please help me in this regard. it's very urgent requirement.
thank you in advance!!!
As per my understand,
"lastPeriods " expects only inter value.
Syntax: lastPeriods ( integer_expression , member )
But you are passing the value as String like '7'
That means syntax violation is happening when you are parsing the syntax.
"If you have a month value as String in database, convert into number or integer."
Then it works well.
Best Regards.
Srinivas Kalyanapu
Thanks Srinivas for your reply.
Actually I am passing integer value. Just to check I created a data item with integer constant 7. and I am trying to use that data item in lastPeriods([dataitem],[Report Month]). the result is null.
Any help on this?
Hello Gurus,
Any help on this?