Hi Experts,
Anyone know how to change member property to data item?
When I was trying to create a new report in report studio today, all my data items become member property which I cant even edit the queries...But when I open all my old reports and try to insert the items from the same package, they are inserted as data item properly...
So frustrated...anyone knows why? :-\
There is a way to do it.
In report studio , goto tool menu and options.
Under " Report " tab , uncheck the " Always create extended data items for new reports "
and restart the the report studio.
Note:- I think there is no way to edit the existing reports.This will effect for new report.I am not sure but check with your old reports if you can.
if you have any questions send an email : srini1226@gmail.com
Srinivas Kalyanapu
Hi Kalyanapu,
Thanks a lot! It works fine now!! ;D