I need to write Unit and System test cases for reports. Can you suggest pointers for the both
Anyone? I wish to go beyond formatting on this
What kind of report you need to test can you please give in the details
Multi page multi prompt dimensional report. Each page has multiple grids
So your unit test cased would include data and functionality testing both right?
There can be few test that can be done for data testing and few test which can be used for functionality testing
Data testing
Run the report and get the data and Run the SQL against the database finally you can Compare the two results.There should be 100% match in the data
Functionality testing
Check for Default Run of the report
Links and drills on Report
Validate Prompt results
Column Heading allignment (left for attributes, center for metrics)
Column Values allignment (left for attributes, center for metrics)
Column Values data format (decimal places, currency, date etc)
Column Order (match with current reports if available)
Prompts sorting - asending for start, descending for end
Export to Excel
Report Vs Excel Values
No data found scenario
No of Rows
Browser Compatibility
Performance of Report
Check if Thresholds/ Conditional Formatting is correctly applied.