I am trying to create a new application(Planning cycle change) by creating a new planning store. I need to create saved selections for this new application which are all same as in the old application. I should have created a clone of old application's planning store, map the datastore to the new application and make changes in the new application. But now I have created the new application and I am looking for a table in the planning store to copy the saved selections from the old application to new application.
I am looking for the table which will store the saved selections in the planning store. I have checked almost all the tables but couldn't get the name of the saved selections. However I found the dimension items in table dbo.development_items
I am using cognos enterprise planning 8.4 and the db is SQL Server 2005 EE.
Please suggest on how to get the saved selections copied from old application to the new application.
Hi Vasishta,
When you are referring to the "Planning Store", I believe you are speaking about the planning application database container itself, correct? Based on how you worded the post I believe that is accurate. Typically the "planning store" is referred to in a planning environment as the PAD (Planning Administration Domain as in previous versions prior to 8.3), this is the main database objects (which is separate from application databases) that stores the links to all the planning objects in a PAD: Macros, Admin links, and applications.
You've mentioned you would have cloned this application so I assume you've created a new application from the analyst libraries. You could accomplish what you're looking for 2 ways:
1. You can use the application .XML for a current application and import this over top of the new application. Or,
2. You can use the deployment wizard and overwrite the newly created application with an export of an existing application.
Note that in both scenarios if there are any intended and expected differences between the source and target application, these will be lost on the target application. Additionally any data entered for specific e-list items already will be lost as the e-list structure will be replaced with the one from the source application.
Make backups of anything you feel is necessary before following the below steps
Option 1 Steps:
1. Open the Development section of the source application and Open Application Maintenance -> Application XML.
2. Click the Production button, and click the 3 dots at the end of the line and specify a path to save the .XML
3. Click Save XML to File. You should get a prompt that the save was successful.
4. Click on Macros and click New, give the macro a name. Ex: Import <source application> XML to <target application>
5. Select the Upload a Development Model Macro step.
6. Click the 3 dots at the end of the Application Line and select the target application.
7. Type the path to the XML file you saved in Step 2.
8. Click Validate and click OK.
9. Click Execute.
10. Once completed take a look at the development section of the target application and make sure everything has been imported and is accurate.
Option 2 steps:
1. Depending on if you need data or not, go to Tools -> Deployment -> Export model or Export model and Data.
2. Select the application you are exporting and click Next.
3. Provide a name for the package and click Finish.
4. Go to the Monitoring Console and click on the Deployments tab and confirm that the process has completed.
5. Go to Tools -> Deployment -> Import
6. Select the package you created in Step 3 and click Next.
7. Click next on the object selection screen.
8. Select your namespaces from the drop down, they should match and click Next.
9. Click Next for the security page as there should be no changes.
10. On the final mapping page there should be a yellow triangle at the beginning of the row, hover over it and make sure it's indicating that an object already exists.
11. Click on the 3 dots at the end of the line with your application name.
12. Click on the target application name in the left navigation. Ensure that the path for the datastore files are correct. If not, correct them.
13. Click the drop down for the job server and select either the cluster or single job server.
14. Click Finish. Go to the monitoring console to confirm if the import succeeds. If it does, go to Tools -> Refresh console.
15. Open the target application and ensure that the development sections look accurate.
16. If everything is good, Run a GTP and this will finalize the import.
Thanks a lot eric.. This has solved my requirement. It saved me 2 days of effort..
I followed the option 1 and successfully imported the saved selections and the access tables. Made the changes to the Access tables and did a GTP. But I get the following error while opening the application from the Contributor web console.
Further Information
Component error:
Component description:
not specified
Script catching error:
All other errors/error stack:
(errorCatch) planning21.htm::onMessageRequest
I tried the following steps to resolve the solution but it didn't help.
1. Remove the application from the pad in the content store:
a. Using Oracle or SQL Server Enterprise Manager, open the database and then click tables.
b. Select the admin option and show all rows.
c. Search for PAD_GUID, PAD_NAME and PAD_NAMESPACE and clear all values in the column optionvalue.
2. Link the application again in the admin console, and run a Go To Production (GTP).
Please help on resolving this...
Many thanks,
Hi Vasishta,
To confirm - you were able to access this application prior to the steps you followed? The reason I ask is that I'd be surprised that my steps have introduced this behavior and I suspect that this issue was present prior to running through my steps. Or, perhaps, it is the access table changes you made that may have caused this problem.
From having a quick look at few TN's, it seems this issue has been seen quite often in the 7.3 / 8.1 version of the product.
It looks like you've already gone through TN:
Please have a look at:
Personally I would:
1. Roll back the application if you have a database backup from an earlier point in time. If not, build another new application from the library files.
2. GTP the application and make sure you can access it in contributor web
3. Go through option 1 that I described and GTP. Test again in contributor web.
4. Re-implement your access table changes, GTP, and test again.
Good luck!
OK.. Will that remove any of the admin links i have created?
The admin links are associated with the application ID that you set. So if you do end up creating a new application, make sure you confirm what the application ID is and then Remove the Application from the CAC. When you create the new application you can then specify the same application ID, which will preserve the mappings within any admin links you have already made.
Thanks a lot Eric. for records I have tried the following steps.
Removed entries for PAD_NAME, PAD_NAMESPACE and PAD_GUID from adminoptions table for new "bad" application, and removed it from the PAD.
Created new PAD in CAC and linked this application to the new PAD
Removed the application from the newly created PAD and relinked it to the old PAD
GTP and voila its working great and the admin links are also working as the application id is same.