Our manual install method for installing the rich client on Windows XP is not working for Windows 7. Does anyone have notes about how to do this? I tried searching this forum and could not find anything...
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hey Jeff,
When you're doing the manual install, are you using the MSIEXEC command? If so, are you updating the target directory path to reflect the new OS file system location for profiles? (XP: C:\documents and settings\<profile>, Win7: C:\Users\<profile>)
If you're using the correct path then:
1. How are you doing the install?
2. Is the install failing or succeeding?
3. If failing, what behavior / error are you seeing?
4. Are you using an older 8.4 java client in tandem with a 10.1 java client install on the same machine?
Thanks for the quick reply!
I have a user that is simply trying to go into the portal and have the client components install automatically since he is not on our network - I can't push the package to him.
It's behaving a little odd, and I suspect that is everything to do with Windows 7.
Hey Jeff,
What is it doing that makes you believe it's something to do with Windows 7? If the automatic download is not functioning on this system like it should, you could also provide to him the .msi files themselves or the ISSETUP.exe from the client install media..
It's just downloading the cognosisapi but does not know what to do with it...it is not letting us run the install for the framework and then come back in after closing the browser to finish installing the cognosrcp...
Sounds like the .cogrcp file type is not associated with the Cogrcp Application Launcher. This is usually because of an incomplete install.
1. Make sure the .cogrcp file extension is associated with the cogrcp application launcher program.
2. Take a look at the Add / Remove programs to see if the Framework and the Contributor components are installed.
I would suggest that you uninstall whatever is present and then try re-installing with the MSI files directly on the user's system. Otherwise, you could try launching IE as an administrative user and see if that changes the behavior.
only thing that was showing (regedit, too) was cognos series 7 (cer4) - we removed all of that and rebooted the machine...when we go into Cognos Connection and then open an elist item, it prompts us to save cognosisapi - nothing to run...
This is what I am trying to do:
Install the Contributor Web Client Using a Web Link
If the Allow automatic downloads and installations is selected in the Contributor Administration Console, then Contributor users can download and install the Contributor Web Client on their machine.
Note: Contributor users only receive Contributor Web Client documentation after the client is installed. For this reason, we recommend that administrators provide installation and uninstallation instructions to Contributor users.
Log on to IBM Cognos Connection.
In IBM Cognos Connection, in the upper-right corner, click Launch, Contributor. If you have access to more than one package, click the package that you require.
On the workflow page, you see a graphical overview of all the areas you are responsible for, and the status of the data.
Click an eList item.
A new Contributor page appears, and you are prompted to install IBM Cognos 8 Planning 8.4 Client Framework.
Click Install Now.
On the File Download dialog box, click Run to install CognosRCP.msi.
Restart your Web browser.
IBM Cognos 8 Contributor 8.4 is now installed on the IBM Cognos 8 Planning 8.4 Client Framework. The Contributor Web Client opens the next time you navigate to a node on the workflow page.
Hey Jeff,
If the download is not taking place, AV could be one reason. Additionally, perhaps the Cognos Connection URL is not added to either the Trusted Site or Local Intranet (My preference is Local Intranet).
Doing a manual install will likely correct the problem if the 2 items I mentioned above don't pan out.
I sent a note to the user, although he likely left for the day.
I could not send the msi's to him, directly, as they were roughly 100M, between the two of them - too large to email...
I was able to work with local IT support and FTP the msi's to the user's machine and install with no problems...
Hi gents,
For anyone hitting this with a search on 'download isapi' at a later date, often when cognosisapi.dll tries to download rather than doing something useful it can be because the Gateway is not set to execute cognosisapi.dll. This is usually the case across the board though when accessing any of the Gateway content, not exclusively when hitting e.list items.
I can see this particular behaviour might happen if the machine running the EP Web Service was configured with a different gateway from the main one (ie the one accessed by the user is correct, the one in cognos config is accessible but not not configured to execute ISAPI), but then I'd expect the problem to persist even after the grid's installed.
Glad it's all working now!