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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: on 12 Sep 2011 05:41:28 AM

Title: Issue importing analyst libraries from 8.4 to 10.1
Post by: on 12 Sep 2011 05:41:28 AM
Hi all,

Hopefully someone can help. I am currently managing an upgrade of Cognos EP and BI from 8.4 to 10.1. I am having issues export/importing Analyst Libraries from one version to the other.

I am using the deployment wizard to capture our applications, associated macros, admin links, and libraries, and exporting from 8.4. On importing to 10.1 I get the following error message for every library


Machine details: R0\V417-Q-RSL-RWAS

User details: R0\cognosservice

Process ID / Thread ID: 3416 / 3852

There was a problem performing the import of library 'library name'.

Has anyone got any ideas for what might be at fault?

Thanks in advance :)
Title: Re: Issue importing analyst libraries from 8.4 to 10.1
Post by: ericlfg on 12 Sep 2011 05:50:34 AM
Hey Jon,

When you're doing the import into the new environment double check that the path is corrected.  On the final import wizard screen before you click Finish, click the 3 dots to the right of one of the libraries and confirm the path.  The path will be the default from the source system, so it may not exist in your target environment.

If this is not the problem, then reply to this thread with the planningerrorlog.csv from your Cognos application server.

Title: Re: Issue importing analyst libraries from 8.4 to 10.1
Post by: on 12 Sep 2011 06:15:24 AM

I've tried using both the 'Map All' and individually mapping the libraries to the new server as per your suggestion but the issue persists. It doesn't seem to be writing entries to the planningerrorlog.csv when this import fails. The only other info I can get is as per the screenshot which slows slightly more info  :-\

Title: Re: Issue importing analyst libraries from 8.4 to 10.1
Post by: ericlfg on 12 Sep 2011 08:21:57 AM
Hey Jon,

Are you remapping the libraries to a UNC path?  I've seen issues in the past when using a UNC path as a target in a deployment.  Try mapping them locally (if you haven't already done so).  Let me go through my notes and see if I've got a TN or defect number.. 
Title: Re: Issue importing analyst libraries from 8.4 to 10.1
Post by: on 12 Sep 2011 08:41:56 AM

I've tried both ways! Still no joy. I think my backup plan is to manually copy the libraries I want from my 8.4 to my 10.1 server and link them manually but obviously would like to avoid that if possible :)

Thanks for your help so far
Title: Re: Issue importing analyst libraries from 8.4 to 10.1
Post by: ericlfg on 12 Sep 2011 09:00:02 AM
Hey Jon,

That's always an option - and sometimes when there's a deadline, the only option. :)

On this new server, are you logging on as a service account or yourself?  Additionally, do you have a service account specified on your IBM Cognos and IBM Cognos 10 Planning services?

Title: Re: Issue importing analyst libraries from 8.4 to 10.1
Post by: on 12 Sep 2011 09:05:49 AM
I'm logging into the server (and CAC) as myself during this bit of development, but the Cognos services themselves are connected via a service account with a non-expiring password. I've also used this service account to validate the scheduler credentials in CAC. Both my account and the service account are administrator on the Cognos servers and have sysadmin access on the SQL 2008 server which the content/planning stores are on. So I don't think there is an issue with the account I'm connecting with...

Title: Re: Issue importing analyst libraries from 8.4 to 10.1
Post by: ducthcogtechie on 12 Sep 2011 09:46:32 AM
Quote from: Jon Webb on 12 Sep 2011 08:41:56 AM
I think my backup plan is to manually copy the libraries I want from my 8.4 to my 10.1 server and link them manually but obviously would like to avoid that if possible :)

Should not take that much effort.
1. Copy libraries to new location.
2. Rename on new location to .old, and copy the old one to the new location.
3. Open analyst, rightclick a library, and select update path.

It should update the path of all libraries.
Then run a reindex in anayst.
Title: Re: Issue importing analyst libraries from 8.4 to 10.1
Post by: Amritha on 20 Sep 2011 08:21:04 AM
Hi all,

We are currently working on upgrade of Cognos EP  from 8.3 to 10.1. I would like to know the best practices and methods to migrate.

1. How to move analyst libraries, User groups and security and how to update the filesys.ini.
2. Contributor applications, need to deploy application by application or another method.

Please suggest and do the needful.

Cheers! To see suggestions and best practices.

Title: Re: Issue importing analyst libraries from 8.4 to 10.1
Post by: Rutulian on 21 Sep 2011 04:22:55 AM
Hi Amritha,

The documentation is always a good place to start - it can be tricky to find your way around at first, but it's well worth getting familiar with the Contributor Administration Guide, and for this case the Installation and Configuration guide.  You should have a nice .pdf with your installation, but here's a link to get you started: (

The most important piece of advice is do a dry run first!
