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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: workdan on 05 Dec 2006 12:01:24 PM

Title: [RS8] Parameter Value display glitch
Post by: workdan on 05 Dec 2006 12:01:24 PM
Hi all,

I'm encountering a strange and inconsistent problem. I have a set of reports that all have prompt pages. One of the prompts on all the reports is for a date range. On the report page, I have a layout calculation that displays the value of this prompt.

Since the date-range prompts are optional, it is possible to select, for example, "Nov. 1, 2006" to "Latest Value". The text that should appear on the report page (and DOES, in most cases) for this prompt is "On or after Nov. 1, 2006". However, on some of the reports, the text appears as "greater than or equal to Nov. 1, 2006" - as though it doesn't recognize the prompt as containing a date value.

I am unable to reproduce this on any new report. There is nothing different, that I can see, between one of the working reports and one of the non-working reports as regards the Date Range prompt.

On the non-working report, I note that if I remove the prompt page (leaving the parameterized filters in place), when I specify the date range on the prompt Cognos creates on-the-fly, the text appears properly ("on of after..."). As soon as I try adding a prompt page with a date-range control, however, it is incorrect again.

I'm baffled by this problem and, short of re-creating the offending reports from scratch, don't see a solution. Has anyone else encountered this? I'd appreciate any input or suggestions.


Title: Re: [RS8] Parameter Value display glitch
Post by: Darek on 05 Dec 2006 11:04:40 PM
If this is an "upgraded" report, it will have to be recreated. I've ran into several bugs with optional parameters, and the only solution, accordingly to Cognos was to rebuild them from scratch.
Title: Re: [RS8] Parameter Value display glitch
Post by: tdyoda on 07 Jan 2007 02:43:54 PM
MR2 caused problems with display parameter value.  The hot fix package that solves one of them is available.  It is Cognos fix #530544 - Parameter Display Value lost when passing single parameter to multi-select drillthrough might be the fix you're looking for.

There are a couple of others that are now fixed.  I suggest opening a support case.
Title: Re: [RS8] Parameter Value display glitch
Post by: workdan on 11 Jan 2007 03:13:03 PM
Neat. I'm gonna pass this along to our Cognos dev lead - it'd be nice if we could get it fixed.

Thanks, tdyoda.
