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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Transformer => Topic started by: jpresz74 on 08 Sep 2011 06:48:12 AM

Title: QE-DEF-0313 when building cube
Post by: jpresz74 on 08 Sep 2011 06:48:12 AM
I am getting the following error when building cubes. It does not happen all the time, or to the same cube. Rebuilding a few seconds later and the issue does not happen. 

00000000   Reading source data.
00000000   QE-DEF-0313 An error occurred while calling the content store for the model: '/content/folder[@name='Inventory']/folder[@name='FM Models']/package[@name='Department Inventory History']/model[@name='model']' information.

It is obviously having an issue getting data from the content store. I have a feeling it is related to other systems (non Cognos related) that also use this server but I need more proof before I can claim this as the reason for the errors.

Is there additional logging information (aside from the standard Cognos logs) that I can look at? Would increasing the amount of logging in Cognos (I believe it is set at basic) reveal more data on the error? Anything else I could try?

Thanks in advance for any help!