I have a situation where I need to summarize/group by on facts. For example, I am using Deductible Amount. This is coming from a table that is modeled as a Dimensional table which is joined as a 1-n to a fact table. Now I want to show this column as a measure as well where it uses aggregates in the reports. What is the best way to model this in FM?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
You would need to move this out (with relevant key(s)) to a fact query subject, modelled at the n end of a relationship with the dimension. The item would need to be defined with a usage property of Fact.
Quote from: MFGF on 02 Sep 2011 09:38:10 AM
You would need to move this out (with relevant key(s)) to a fact query subject, modelled at the n end of a relationship with the dimension. The item would need to be defined with a usage property of Fact.
Thank you. After trying several methods thats what I ended up doing.