I have a basic List in my report, several columns, nothing fancy.
Sort Code, Name, Transaction Date, Cash In, Cash Out. User types in a sort code and some dates, gets some data back.
One of the columns I have inserted is just for Grouping, doesn't need to be 'visible'. Its an account number, the 'requirements' state that the entries in the report need to be grouped by account number, but that the number itself needs to be invisible!
So, I wish to hide that single column from the users, but have not found an option/setting that allows me to to it. I've played around with the 'Size and Overflow' for the column, setting the width to zero, but that does not work.
Any ideas? Should I in fact NOT be adding the column at all, and grouping by a different method...?
You could try selecting the entire column (including the header) and setting the "Box Type" property to "None"
How do you like this idea ?
Without Dropping that field into list, but grouping based on a particular column ?
If this is you are looking for ? Then, it can be done as follows, It's just an idea, try it may
Click on any field on ur report.... Click Sorting Button and Click Advanced Sorting(I see in Cognos 8.2) , You can Find Groups, below that Overall... CLick on that and later You can select what columns you need to Group by clicking on a hand button @ down (Highlights as Properties when u place cursor)... try this
Before doing this, drop the column into ur Query, but not into ur report.
Thanks MFGF - that works. However, once 'saved' (and the column is hidden), I don't seem to be able to make it re-appear. I tried highlighting the headers/columns on either side and setting them to 'default', but the hidden one in the middle remains hidden! I don't currently need to make to re-appear...
Chaitanya007 - I followed what you suggested, ensured the 'column' was defined in my list query, then tried the Advanced Sorting, didn't work as expected, though I may have another go.
Anyway, thanks guys, I now have a workable solution. :)
You have a couple of options to get hold of hidden items in the layout.
1. Select the "Visual Aids" option from the menubar and check the option to show hidden items. You can then see it to select it and re-enable the box type by setting it to default.
2. Switch from Layout to Structure view and select the column from the structure view. You can then set the box type back to default.
Caveat: Both of these are from memory - I can't check right now to make sure I have the options exactly right.
Brilliant - 2) works fine. I can use this simple hide/unhide in a number of places. Thanks. (P.S. been on holiday, hence the dealy in responding).