Hello ,
Can some one help me in scheduling fact and dim in DS.
builds need to scheduled in windows schedular and it should send log file to user. Is there any script file that i can insert my builds or job streams in the script and execute it.
Thanks in advance,
Create a jobstream to run your builds as required, then right-click on the jobstream and select the 'execute' option from the right-click menu. When you se the execute dialog window appear, you can select and copy the command to launch the jobstream (it's near the bottom).
Paste the command into a batch file (make sure you remove the -P switch from the command too), then use the windows scheduler to schedule the batch file to run.
There is a DecisionStream variable (DS_Log_Dir) that you can re-set using a dos environmental script that can point the logs to go into any directory you want at runtime.
set DS_Log_Dir=%DecisionStream_subject_dir%\Logs