Hi All,
I'm curious if anybody knows a way where I can morph the URL that my users have to type to get to Cognos from http://server-name/ibmcognos in such a way so that as long as they are on our network all they have to do is type cognos10 in the address bar?
Granted it not that big a deal, and my users currently have the shortcut on their desktops to get to our production version of cognos (ReportNet :-\ nobody would remember the ReportNet URL except an UberGeek, its http://server-ip/crn/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi?b_action=xts.run&m=portal/cc.xts&m_tab=w) but if they are trying to get there from a different computer that doesn't have the shortcut they don't remember the exact URL
I asked my network admin and he didn't know of a way and I asked IBM and they didn't know of a way. We are using IIS with Cognos.
Just thought I would throw it out to the forum to see if anyone knows if this is doable and/or how to accomplish it.
I think you probably want a URL redirect with a DNS entry - you'd need your network admins to make that change (it's a network setting, not Cognos).
All you have to do is create a CNAME for the Cognos server.
Contact your networking team as suggested above.
This is actually best practice as you can change Cognos server without impacting users by just re-pointing the CNAME to new server.
Thanks for the responses. I will have to bring it up to my network admin again, as the last time we spoke about it he couldn't figure out how to do it.
I am not sure what a CName is but it sounds like what I have used here.
There are 2 things I have done to accomplish this at my company.
1 - Create a DNS Alias for the server
2 - Set an HTML Redirector on the root web server
The alias allows my users to type in
To get to the cognos environment and since we have pass through authentication it takes them right to their default Cognos view.
The alias translates http://cognos to http://really_long_servername.that.is.fully.qualified
The redirector simply redirects traffic to the server to the Cognos cgi directory
<meta http-equiv="refresh"content="0;URL=http://server-ip/crn/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi?b_action=xts.run&m=portal/cc.xts&m_tab=w">
Just for geekiness, you could also manipulate each and every user's hosts file (see google/wikipedia) to explicitly point to your server's IP... but that's a crap solution and the right thing to do is DNS aliasing.
This is definitely in your network admin's area of responsibility.
Steve Gibson's SecurityNow podcast http://twit.tv/show/security-now/323 (http://twit.tv/show/security-now/323)is doing an excellent walkthrough of how the internet works, starting right down at IP level. If you have a few hours to spare on the drive home it's a very comprehensible way in, far better than reading documents about protocol stacks. I don't think they've covered DNS yet, but it will be coming up pretty soon.
i know, its an old post but:
redirect via iis7 is easy and done in a few steps. click in iis configuration on "default web site", then on the right on the "http redirect", double click.
- type in the destination url
- mark "only redirect request to content in this directory (not subdirectories)"
- set "status code" to "permanent (301)"
done :) restart IIS (maybe use console command : iisreset)
ty for sharing ;)
Just did the http redirect the same way t-mms did and it works like a charm.
However I've noticed a strange behaviour due to Internet Explorer I didn't know about :
If you have a favorite named COGNOS taht points automato http://