Hi All,
The environment:
Oracle 10g R2, Linux Fedora 5.
Cognos 8 MR2
Apache 2.0 as WebServer
The problem:
I did install oracle with no problem, apache and then Cognos, after I did populate all the variables and follow all the installation steps after I did start the Cognos Configuration I'm getting a service started successfully but when I'm checking out the detail I'm getting 2 messages:
CM-SYS-5159 Content Manager is running in active mode
DPR-DPR-1035 Dispatcher detected an error. Failed to send HTTP request or read HTTP response.
I'm able to connect to Cognos Connection, add a datasource and save it but when I try to test it a 500 error show's up.
I know this is not a normal installation but if somebody has some experience I'll appreciate it.
Thanks guys.
anything else in the error log?
I did check all the logs and the only think I found is regarding the Failed to send HTTP request or read HTTP response.
I didn't find any answers on the Knowledge base.
I'd have to conclude you might be out of luck. Cognos certified RedHat but not Fedora. Might be one of those little .SO gizmos causing you trouble. 500 error sounds like server error. I'd suggest check all the POGO logs, enable lowest level debug, enable Tomcat debug, etc.
Sorry, mate.
Well, what is interesting is I did the same installation over RedHat Ent 4 and I'm getting the same error.
At the begining I thouht the problem was apache 2.2 so I downgrade it to 2.0.
But I'm getting the same errors in FC5 and RHE4.
I'll try to post the pogo log files and see if you have an idea.