How to hide cognos8.1 contributor application in contributor web(in cognos 8.3 after GTP we can see the application in public folders there we can hide)
Hi Anand,
Unfortunately I do not believe you are able to hide applications in 8.1 from the portal page (usually HTTP://<server_name>/cognos/contributor). In this version we are not 'integrated' with the Cognos 8 platform. You may be able to 'hide' applications by only giving users the direct access links to the applications themselves.
There may be a way behind the scenes to customize this, but I haven't seen it. Perhaps someone else on here knows of a way.
As Eric said, there isn't a way to remove it from public folders. Workaround is you can remove the application from the PAD. and still the datastore will be present in your database server. Later on if you require you can import that datastore into a new cognos applicaiton
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You can set the application offline in the CAC, but the link will still appear on the web page. The user will just get a message saying the application is currently offline...that may be your best option.
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hi anand,
try hiding from system.xml file, it should work.
let me know .
thank you