I've made a solution to leverage value of those PlanningErrorLog files. Briefly speaking it's all about gathering all log-files into an OLAP-cube and analyzing this cube for typical error conditions, version stability, per-db-server and per-client comparison -- all data you can extract from logs. Click for more details (http://ykud.com/blog/2006/11/21/cognos-ep-log-analysis/)
After making it, I thought that the same logic must be encapsulated in Cognos Support Accelerator, and, moreover, such analysis is made by consulting partners on some scale.
Do you analyze error logs anyhow, and how do you do that? Thanks in advance.
This is a good idea but it doesn't help you solve the issues. What we did in conjunction with the help of a few Support reps was create a table that shows the issue and the solution. Whenever there are any issues our consultants look up the error and have the solution. Much better than having to wait for a call back and sit through a painful phone conversation where Support assesses your environment, version, etc. I would share but it's our IP and competitive advantage.
Well, that cube is good for:
1 Solving issues -- we've got a rather sophisticated bug-tracker(Atlassian Jira) here, and can see how the same errors were solved on different sites (that's slicing the cube on errors). We'll be forming some kind of your table.
2 KPI for technical support. The number of errors should be zero. If sending is automated, we can do "proactive" support: "As we see, you have a security problem on server X, please change COM+ Logon As property".
3 The KPI for clients. We'll be sending them bugtracker reports + error graphs on monthly basis. It's rather nice. And of course, their personal page with news, that cube, etc on our Cognos 8 BI portal,.
I've thought much before opening that scheme and proposing scripts, and it's mostly "you should give to get" thing.
Sometimes I fall into complete Open-Source world view with open bug-tracking and all that.
We can have an NDA, since we're operating only in Russia with no plans for expanding. We've been EPing for 6 years already, and have some experience of 30+ projects, so it can be not only about errors ;). If you're interested -- yk (the doggie) croc.ru (that's me). Our profile on cognos.com (http://partnernetwork.cognos.com/profiles/183190.html).