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General Discussion => Forum suggestion box => Topic started by: Tsunami on 22 Aug 2011 01:36:18 PM

Title: Forum Citizenship
Post by: Tsunami on 22 Aug 2011 01:36:18 PM
I'm guessing it's like a reputation system.  Is there anyway to see what post it's reffering to?  I got a negative one and I have no idea why.
Title: Re: Forum Citizenship
Post by: Lynn on 22 Aug 2011 02:29:52 PM
I don't know the answer to your question but maybe someone made a mistake? I've never seen anything in your posts that would warrant it.

I clicked an applaud on one of your posts to attempt to restore order in the universe

Title: Re: Forum Citizenship
Post by: Tsunami on 22 Aug 2011 03:39:49 PM
 haha thanks, Lynn.
Title: Re: Forum Citizenship
Post by: MFGF on 24 Aug 2011 07:54:32 AM
It's set based on people clicking the Applaud or Warn links below your name, but isn't tied to any specific post. Sometimes new members get confused and click Warn without meaning to.  Only the Admins can reset the scores though, so to compensate even further, have an Applaud from me! :-)