Please send me the steps to move the planning applications(mapping applications in contributor admin from the source) from last year to current year.
More information is required...are you just trying to change the periods and versions in an existing application to "roll over" for the next cycle? If so, there are a couple of different ways to do this, depending largely on how the model is designed. It also depends on whether or not you need to keep data in the Contributor application or Analyst library that serves as the model for the application.
Give some more feedback...we can see what we can do from there...
Hi Jeffowentn,
Thanks for your reply.I am trying to change only period in the new application.I need to create application for 2012 .Please provide me the solution.
If you are looking to create a new library off of the existing one so that you end up with a 2011 library and a 2012 library, then start by copying the 2011 library in Analyst. If you do not maintain data in Analyst and do not care about having separate libraries, then you can simply work with the existing library.
Now, you need to consider whether you want to keep the data that currently exists in the Contributor application or not. If you do not need to keep the data in the Contributor web application (you publish it and use it in the reporting tools or something else or otherwise do not maintain prior year budget, etc.), then you can start making your changes in Analyst however you desire.
If you DO NEED to keep the data in Contributor, then you need to be more careful about your process, assuming you are working with the existing Contributor application and not creating a new application. To keep from losing data in your existing Contributor application, you will open the Periods dimension in the Analyst library and simply add your new 2012 items to the existing dimension. If you overwrite your 2011 periods with your 2012 periods, your 2011 data will exist in your 2012 periods. If you delete all of the 2011 periods and then go back and add 2012 periods and some or all of the 2011 periods, you will lose all of your data.
This is all based on an underlying GUID that is assigned to each item in the d-list. The GUID does not change by changing the value of the d-list item, which is why you can rename things and the data remains. However, if you delete, say "Jan 2012" and then add a new item called "Jan 2012" there will be a completely new GUID, even though the d-list item is labeled the same thing.
In addition to thinking about the data and whether you are creating a new/separate application or just revising the existing one, you also need to be sure and check your d-links after changing the periods to make sure all of your data is flowing properly.
Then, either create a new application in the Contributor Admin Console or sync the existing application with the changes made in Analyst. Then, GTP, and you are good to go.
Now, this is an overly simplified response because I do not have your model in front of me. I do not know the answers to the questions I've raised, and I also do not know things like, are your years and months defined nominally (Jan 2012) or generically (Jan YR1), etc. That will determine whether you also need to move data around in the application, etc.
Some of these questions/issues can be addressed in this forum, but some if it might simply require some training or working side-by-side with someone who has rolled over a model for a new budget cycle.
Hi Jeffowentn,
Thanks for your reply.I need to create seperate new application for 2012 without distrubing 2011 existing applications(library,dcubes and contributor application).as per my understanding i need to copy the libraries used in 2011 and change the dlists accordingly(year elist 2011 to 2012) and creating the contributor application by using the new library and synchrinze,gtp and publish.Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.I am more into BI.
Everything you said is correct, except that when you create the new application the Contributor Admin Console (CAC) from the new 2012 library, the model definition will be translated that point. You would not need to sync before doing a GTP. You would need to export your elist and rights from the 2011 version and import them into the 2012 application, assuming there are no changes necessary. You will also want to ensure your other configuration settings, including the location of the package during the GTP process, etc.
You may need to link over data from your 2011 app to prepopulate the 2012 app, depending on your organization's processes.
Also, make sure you are not sharing any Analyst objects between the 2011 instance and the 2012 instance, like a periods dimension in a Common library - if the periods dimension is shared between 2011 and 2012, then any changes you make for 2012 would be applied to 2011, as well.
Thanks Jeffowentn for your help