Hi all,
Has anyone ever worked on migrating the reports developed using Business Objects into Cognos?
I'm facing lot many issues... :'(
fact table has 22 million records, Time dimension table has 19K records. There are other dim. tables but the records are few in these. When I do a simple select from the fact table, it itself is taking longer time to return the data @ DB level and cognos is taking ages. BO report is executing in 5 min. :o
Issue#2 BO Report has 24 different tabs, with export options to PDF and Excel.
In cognos, we can do this using 'Multipage portlet'.
To my knowledge, there is no option to export the dashboard into PDF or Excel. So, I developed a report with 24 pages, each page has the content of each tab. There is only 1 query for all these pages. I defined two text drill throughs (View in PDF, View in Excel) in each of the 24 reports and referring to the report with 24 pages setting the report output format accordingly.
Report in BO prompts for TimePeriod on execution. Based on the input value, all the tabs reflect the data.
In cognos, I need to create 24 reports, and then 24 pages with 'Cogons Viewer' portlet in order to make the communication happen between these reports.
Each tab in BO report have got 25 prompts. When user selects any value for any of these prompts, only that tab should reflect the data and the rem. tabs should show full data. Same should be reflected when the report is exported into either PDF/Excel.
Since I created a report with 24 pages which are referring to only single query, clicking on the link to view in PDF/Excel, makes all the tabs display filtered data. To do the same thing in Cognos, I need to create 24 queries so the filters are independent for each query. I do not like to create 24 queries..
There are 44 reports to migrate and I first started with 4 reports.
Totally lost.... :'(