Good Day Everyone,
I have a report which has table of contents as listed below:
1. By Vendor
1.1 Bean Town
1.2 Watermelonville
1.3 ChemicalRomance
2. By Commodity
3. By Product Number
When you run the report it will produce 52 pages in .pdf, I would like to add the functionality that when they click on section 1.2 it brings them to section 1.2 only with the page number starting at 1. So instead of 52 pages it would be 3 if that is the result.
How would I accomplish this?
Thank you,
Add a bookmark so that users can quickly move from one part of a report to another. For example,
Creates a bookmark that has the label of a data item as its
value. Use this source type to jump to the first occurrence of
a data item label.
Data Item Label
For example, a list is divided into sections using Product line.
You want users to jump to the first product line section that
appears in the list rather than to a specific section, such as
Camping Equipment.
Note: This source type appears only if the bookmark is inserted
next to a data item.
You can also try using a table of contents that appears in the rendered output of your report. A table of contents is useful for reports that include sectioned items, grouped items, or multiple pages in the layout. The report output indicates page numbers and allows for easy navigation.