Hi everyone,
i made a SavedSelection which is summarizing a group of elist items. My eList is a hierarchy of 3 levels: Root, Nodes, Children. In the SavedSelection all Nodes are gathered together. In an AccessTable i want to hide a certain element of one dimension by using this SavedSelection. But after the GTP it does not have any effect.
I want to do this because only a certain currency shall be visible on the Node level of the eList. Is there a know restriction of Planning that it's not possible to use AccessTables on basis of the eList?
Would be great if someone comes up with some ideas :)
Hi Martin,
Are you using No Data within this particular access table? Is the dimension that you're restricting in the Context area of the grid or is it on Rows or Columns?
I've seen a bug related to No Data access tables and visibility of items not being modified when the dimension you're attempting to restrict is set to the context area of the contributor grid. I'm not saying that this is your problem, exactly, however it sounds very similar. If this dimension is in fact in the context, try moving it to the rows or columns area and see if the visibility changes; it should resolve correctly.
If this isn't the case, and to confirm, when you built the access table you selected the 'include e-list' option?
thanks for your answer first of all.
No i am not using No Data in this AccessTable. I use HIDDEN for those certain Elements of the Dimension.
Now i just tried to delete all the other AccessTables which existed so far, just to make sure they are not hindering anything. But still, with only one AccessTable with only ony entry in it: HIDDEN for two D-List Elements in combination with the SavedSelection (All Nodes of my eList). All is visible in Contributor Web, nothing gets hidden.
Also your hint for reorganizing the dimension did not have any effect. Its unfortunatly no difference if the dimension is in the Contextfiter or in the rows or columns.
The include e-list option is enabled otherwise i think i wouldnt have the possibility to include my SavedSelection.
But in general it should be possible to hide D-List Items on eList Node level?
thanks in advance any further help!
Try doing what you want without the Saved Selection, first, just to eliminate possible issues. Also, and I believe you already covered this with your last test, but make sure you do not have any entries in your access table after the "hidden" entry that might grant rights back to the particular elist items. In other words, are you "hiding" and then granting "read" access?
Thanks for all your replies, I tested everything you wrote so far.
Now I found something in the documentation which says that it is in genral not possible to create an AccessTable on a Review Element (which is the case in my example):
"You cannot explicitly define an access table on a review e.List item. If you create a saved selection on the dimension selected as the e.List, you cannot select any review e.List items."
But it also says that you shouldn't have the possibility to choose Review elements in a SavedSelection (when the chosen dimension is the eList).
Anyhow, for me it is possible to choose Review elements in that SavedSelection.
Perhaps someone can approve that in my eList hierarchy the "Node" is a Review Element. Or do i missunderstand something here?
This is how eList hierarchy looks like:
+Node = Review Element
Child 1
Child 2
Child n
Thanks in advance
Unfortunately, I do not have time to try your scenario. If your application size is not an issue, you could also create a summary d-cube that eliminates the unnecessary currencies, and then mark the original d-cube as contribution-only, which would not present it to the review levels...it's a bit more work, but it sounds like it should do what you want.
Hi Jeff,
thanks for your answer, this is indeed an option.
1) To do so, i would have to mark the Cube for the Contributors as PLANNER ONLY CUBE ? Or how do i achieve this?
2) This cube is only seen by Planners; and the original Cube could be Hidden based on all Child eList elements right?
thank you
Mark the "detail" cube as Planner Only, as you suggested, and then allow everyone to see the "summary" cube. The summary cube should be read only, as it is really intended for review level audience, so your contributors should not ever have access to edit data there...be sure to put it after the detail cube so that your contributors get to the detail one they edit before they come to the summary one.