hi guys,
how do i know are we using tomcat in our cognos environment ?
thank you
Hi there,
Which version of Cognos are you referring to? If you are using the Cognos Server/s then you will see a Tomcat folder under ../<c8install>/. Its hard to miss.
Now the tricky bit is the type of installation as you can install and deploy Cognos to a different web application server. This means that you will not have a Cognos service running on the server where Cognos has been installed. You can confirm this by opening the Cognos Configuration and checking if there is a Cognos service level
Local Configuration > Environment > IBM Cognos 8 Service > (If there is a level here then you are using Tomcat)
Another way would be to install Process Explorer from Microsoft and look at the entry
Cogbootstrapservice.exe > java
Scroll down and see if you can see ../<c8install>/tomcat4.1.27/...... in the console at the bottom.
Hope this helps