I have a crosstab with number columns and a percentage column.
I add a dataitem with that calculation : aggregate(currentMeasure within set [setCategory])
But when I run the report nothing is displayed in that row, only "--"
What could be the problem ?
I have that warning when I validate the report :
OP-ERR-0264 Automatic aggregation of sets that include a calculated member or value calculation may return unexpected results. (found at position 1)
what is the workaround ?
up please
My crosstab is like that :
Profit(number), Cost(number), Delta(number), Margin(%)
For the total I have this data item : aggregate(CurrentMeasure within set row1,row2,row3) but the Margin column is wrong. It makes to total of margins rows. I dont know why
Select the Margin(%) column. Define Under Properties- Data Item- Solve Order=2.
See if it helps?
yes it seems to work, thanks a lot.