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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: harika on 14 Nov 2006 01:01:52 AM

Title: cognos basics needed
Post by: harika on 14 Nov 2006 01:01:52 AM
Hi all ,

       I am very new to cognos and i need ur assistance in learning cognos basics.Plz help me get some details about cognos.I know the very basics of datawarehousing . Plz help me get some info on cognos.
Title: Re: cognos basics needed
Post by: mikegreen on 14 Nov 2006 11:30:52 AM
Cognos is a large suite of applications... That is like saying "I need to learn Oracle"... What, specifically do you need to know?

I would recommend attending some training courses, like the week-long start-to-finish courses that go over everything from installation to data modeling to report creation.  They are located all over the world and on par $$-wise with other week long technical training.

You can also try to get a hold of the software and documentation to play around with.  However, Cognos does not give out the software like Oracle or Microsoft does.... No trial versions, really.  If your employer has a support account you can generally download their applications and use them in a development environment/laptop free of charge.

Good luck,

Title: Re: cognos basics needed
Post by: Blue on 14 Nov 2006 01:54:43 PM
Cognos is a tool vendor not a particular product.  You can liken it to Microsoft or IBM.

Cognos tools fall under three broad categories:

1. Application Development Tools (ADT) such as PowerHouse Web
2. Business Intelligence Tools (BI) such as Cognos 8 BI
3. Performance Management tools (CPM/BPM) such as Planning

Cognos 8 BI is actually a suite of tools like Microsoft Office is.  The basic components are:

Analysis Studio
Report Studio
Query Studio
Framework Manager
Access Manager

Optional additions are:

Data Manager
Metric Studio
Event Studio

The Cognos website has quite detailed info on these tools though it is heavily biased towards the BI stuff.  Cognos wants to be known as a BI tool company and so has let its other tools languish somewhat.  You can download white papers on Cognos 8 BI and CPM tools.

Title: Re: cognos basics needed
Post by: harika on 17 Nov 2006 03:06:03 AM
Thanks for ur reply . Hope u continue ur help and ans my new posts also.
Title: Re: cognos basics needed
Post by: Darek on 05 Dec 2006 11:12:38 PM
How about reading the manual? It helped me in the past.
Title: Re: cognos basics needed
Post by: Darek on 05 Dec 2006 11:16:32 PM
There are also recordings available on Cognos' website that provide good overview.