Hello Good Evening All,
I have a problem of exporting the analysis studio report to excel 2002, I am using the IE version of 7.0.5730 previously its worked fine suddely it says the page can not be displayed.
I have tried the IE Setting of
I have unchecked Don't save the encripted page to disk, file download enable, still its not working for me.
Any suggestions
Thanks and Regards
From our experience, we had to have the following browser settings Enabled in our IE browser (IE8) in order for Cognos and Excel (Excel 2007 in our case, however), to function properly. (See below.) Are you able to export the report to -other- Excel versions? Also, -if- browser settings are setup correctly and have not been altered, perhaps a firewall on the Cognos server can be blocking the ability to export reports to the mentioned Excel format? What version of Cognos are you on?
~ ActiveX controls and plug-ins:
- Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins
- Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting
~ Downloads:
- Automatic prompting for file downloads
- File download
~ Miscellaneous:
- Allow Meta Refresh
~ Scripting:
- Active Scripting
~ User Authentication
- Automatic logon with current user name and password
also make sure you have the site saved as a trusted site - whether internet or local intranet
I know if we don't have it saved as a trusted site Excel exports don't work properly.
just a thought 8)