Hi Guys,
I am using a SP for the reports. It seems sometimes SP Query subject is unatable.
When I run my report, I am getting error message like "Metadata describing "SP Name" does not match results from the database.
When I tried to test in FM, am getting the same error.
Could you please help me on this?
Kanagaraj S
for SP's, the result set that the package expects must always and always be the same as when the query subject was first created- this includes the number of columns that the SP returns, the order of the columns (if at the time of creating the SP query subject, Column A was before column B then you can't suddenly start having Column B before Column A without refreshing the query subject) and the size and precision of the result set. Because the size of the result set might change periodically, it is recommended that the SP have a temp table within it that will always guarantee the result set of the same size as what the package expects.
Think of SP query subjects as a sort of metadata snapshot of the result set at the time the query subject was created..any deviation from this and you're going to get a metadata mismatch error